Tag Archives: drug overdose

Fake Overdose?

It seemed like things had started to calm down for my buddy who was recently discovered (see yesterday’s post). This morning I went to his barracks room to drag him out of bed and make sure he made it to work. I knocked on his door a few times before walking in unannounced. I found him lying on his bed naked and two bottles of opened pills spilled all over his night-stand. He appeared to be more drunk than drugged and smelt like straight up liquor. It was a horrible sight and for a split second I thought he could be dead. I immediately called the MPs/Paramedics and waited with him till they came. 

He slipped in and out of consciousness and talked and said a few short things to me. I know he was really down because the last thing he wanted was to get kicked out of the Corps. He always talked about being a “lifer” (someone who stays in the military till retirement) but that was all impossible now. Was today’s horrific scene all because someone found out he was gay?! Or is there an underlying problem with this guy that needs to be addressed?! I dont know him well enough to know his past before he joined the Marines, but he always seemed relatively stable and free of drama. It’s just a sad situation…

After the paramedics took him away I noticed the two bottles of pills looked brand new and almost full. I wonder if he got drunk to make it look as though he was drugged and was faking an overdose?! He’s been taken to Balboa Hospital and is in the psych ward (apparently). My ENTIRE day after the drama of the morning was spent answering questions and retelling my account of what I saw…I guess I just hope he’s alright. 

Beyond that, I’ve really been meaning to head up to Hillcrest the last few days. I need my gay fix for the week!! I like meeting new people randomly on the streets or in coffee shops. Gays seem to be friendlier than the usual strangers so I love perusing Hillcrest for possible new friends/lovers! 😉 The most pressing issue is LUBE. I ran out last night and need more. I really need a boyfriend….He’ll do…

I’ve been getting alot of flak lately from my female friends for finding this guy attractive. His name is Ernests Gulbis, a Latvian pro tennis player. He was recently in the French Open Quarterfinals (where he sadly lost). He’s only 19 and a newcomer to the “big stage” of tennis. I’ve never seen him before this week but instantly fell in love. 

The one on the right *the young one*. He’s cute right?! Someone please comment with either a yes or no. I need to know I’m not alone… 🙂 


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